About me

My name is Kasia Landera and I'm a Licensed EFT Therapist, Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist (RTT). My journey with therapy began many years ago. I have always been interested in personal development, psychology, and in neuroplasticity in recent years. Despite having success in other careers like project manager or lecturer, events in my personal life have put me on the path of seeking answers and help with coping with anxiety, insomnia or divorce. 

Going through many crisis situations, I noticed that almost everyone around me is struggling with problems arising from emotions and mental health in general. This reassured me that I wanted to help those who are suffer. I tried many methods and therapies, but it wasn't until I came across RTT that I was able to rebuild my self-esteem for good and get rid of anxiety and insomnia which convinced me to train as an Rapid Transformational Therapist and life coach myself.

One of the other techniques that I often use in my practice in tapping (EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique) which helps to calm the nervous system, switch off the fight or flight response and feel more grounded and happy. 


I offer 1:1 session and group sessions.

Work with me for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months to overcome:

- your receiving and money blocks, Imposter Syndrome and fear of public speaking

- issues with anxiety and stress, low self- esteem and lack of confidence

- addictions and eating disorders

- divorce counselling

 About the therapy

One of the methods that I use is a method called RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) which is a hybrid therapy, that offers unparalleled results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Unlike talk therapy, that can often take years and years, RTT most commonly delivers in 1-3 sessions. It is developed by world-renowned therapist, Marisa Peer.

RTTĀ® delivers extraordinary, permanent change from physical, emotional and psychological pain by reframing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that are deep in the subconscious.

By rapidly rewiring the neural pathways of the brain, RTTĀ® replaces our out-dated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. New life-affirming beliefs are formed and the healing process begins.

What happens during the session?

We start the session with a conversation to decide what issue to focus on. The first part of the session is similar to the psychotherapy session. 

In the second part of the session, I put you in a very relaxed state of hypnosis. You always have control over what is happening and you remember everything afterwards. In this relaxed state, with access to the subconscious mind, we return to scenes from your life are are the root cause of your issue, trauma or limiting beliefs that affect your current thinking and behaviour patterns. 

By looking at these scenes with your adult eyes, you can give them new meaning and remove any unhelpful beliefs you formed as a child. After reviewing three or four scenes from your life and working together to understand what they mean to you, I give your mind suggestions to equip you with new, helpful beliefs that align with what you want for yourself and your life. 

After the session, you get a personalized recording to listen to for at least 21 days. The mind learns by repetition, and by listening to these suggestions each day, you program it with new thinking habits that will lead to changes in your thinking, habits, and actions. This is why RTT works so well for overcoming habits like smoking or emotional eating, but it's also a brilliant method for problems with confidence, low self esteem, depression, anxiety, and more. Many of the people I work with ask me for sessions on money blocks to get rid of limiting beliefs about money, earning, and receiving.

More about hypnosis

It is absolutely safe and can be used by adults, including pregnant women as well as children. It's a natural state and it's quite relaxing and pleasant. My clients are amazed by the insights they get during the sessions. 

Hypnosis is not magic - it's science! It's simply the REM brain waves. People tend to experience it differently- some deal deeply relaxed and at ease, other feel like floating. It doesn't matter how deeply you go. It's working even if you are in a very light trance.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis which means you're in control. I cannot get you to do anything you don't want to do or think. 

After the session many people feel relieved, lighter and free. Others may feel a bit emotional especially if we visited some painful scenes from the past. It's important to drink plenty of water and have a rest after the session.

RTT is not just hypnosis- it uses other modalities too that's why the breakthroughs that my clients experience are often powerful and life-changing.

My philosophy

My personal philosophy as a therapist and a coach is to treat each person as a unique individual, worthy of unconditional acceptance and helping them to heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And well as remind them who they really are- their true self, their needs and desires. 

I entered this field because of my personal experiences but also observing how many people around me suffer and need support with their mental health. The sessions that I provide are an opportunity for YOU to explore your own thoughts, patterns and feelings as well as in many cases some traumas in a safe, compassionate environment. 

I believe that a transformation or a breakthrough is possible thanks to the insights that YOU get from the therapy that uses a healing hypnosis and other tools. Together, we can then set goals in order to achieve the desired outcome in coaching sessions.